
Maciej Preus - (mainly) internet sites

About me

What I do

I develop various internet sites. I put main efforts on two elements: design and responsiveness. This means that the internet sites should gain your attention by colors, shapes, actions and be displayed properly on the devices of various size. I'm still learning new technologies, following trends in both user experience (UX) and responsive web design (RWD).


My interest in programming grew along with negative experiences with some web pages. They were not intuitive - it was so hard to find desired info, they had poor graphic design (quality, colors and shapes), they loaded slowly, and lastly, they were outdated, with links leading to nowhere. In autumn 2018 I tried some on-line courses, initially learning actively HTML and CSS as well as general programming rules. Then I was pulled in. Quickly HTML and CSS were not enough and I decided that I had to acquire new skills and tools.

What now

This is the way which led me to the intensive front-end "JavaScript (React)" course in IT school Coders Lab in Warsaw, where I expanded my skills in HTML and CSS and got good basics of preprocessor SASS, as well as JavaScript (+ES6), and jQuery. I also acknowledged Node.js environment and responsive web design (RWD) rules. Additionally, I taught myself fundamentals of Bootstrap4. After completing the bootcamp (August 2019) I still strenghten and deepen my knowledge and skills on my own. A good advertisement of it are my projects presented on this site and my GitHub repositories.

Technologies I use


I feel confident


I feel confident (see project)


I feel confident (see project)


Basic working skills (see project)


I feel confident (see project)


Basic working skills (see project)


Basic working skills



One may want to see my LinkedIn account




...several selected projects demonstraiting (literally) what I have done so far

Internet site of a fake constructing company made in spring 2019 as an element of workshop dedicated to CSS library Bootstrap4. The web page has been modified from the original design but it's fully responsive and looks nicely on various devices.

urządzenia Construction

Internet site SitOnChair was developed in spring 2019 as a main task of the workshop in IT school Coders Lab. This is a landing page, however with some features and functionalities made with JavaScript: slider and calculator imitating ordering a chair. That's why one can know prices of selected chair elements (drop-down menu) and optional transportation costs as well as the total sum of the order.

urządzenia SitOnChair

Internet site of a fake restaurant Pacific developed in early spring 2019 as an element of a workshop dedicated to responsive web design.

@media queries are the essential tools here. That means it should display properly on the screens of various sizes.

urządzenia Pacific Restaurant

What charges me up

...what I have read / seen and got interested

Smashing Magazine splendid place full of interesting articles, recommended books and reports on exciting technology related events. SM publishes also job offers including for front-end developers.

zainteresowania Smashing Magazine

OneZero is fabulous place for contemporary technologies fans. Those obsessed with consumer electronics and the others seeking dependecies between everyday life and gadgets usage as well as consequences of intensive people's immersion in the technology world may be delighted with the content of the site.

zainteresowania OneZero

CSS Tricks - internet site full of interesting articles on CSS, HTML and Java Script elements. One may find here plenitude of features and explanations about the most commonly used internet sites components. Masses of interesting solutions at one place.

zainteresowaniaCSS Tricks

Balanced life style - moderation in tasting life gives lots of pleasures. Keeping the body fit at satisfactory level (regular exercise, leaving your car on the parking and walking rather than driving around the city center) rewards while fulfilling your intelectual tasks. That's what I do!


nastrój kościół

More photographs might be seen at my account


wrzos łąka

More photographs might be seen at my account

e-mail: Maciej Preus
hard working person, reliable, detail-oriented, enjoing team work
open for people and technology challenges as well as for the others (e.g. relocation)
would take a job or undertake cooperation within front-end development